There’s something cozy about being in your cabin on a boat in the rain. Even better is when the sun breaks out and you jump in the ocean with 8 new and old friends and go for a 2 mile swim. Great Harbor on Peter Island is looking healthier than ever, the corals and the fish have returned here and they put on a full show for us as our 2 groups circumnavigated the harbor. WIll and I traded off swimming and paddling the SUP, which helps us sort of keep up with Jamie, Kristi, Deb, and Laurie, our charges this morning. Heather led Susan, Laura, and Shady. They get the added benefit of Heather’s deep (tee hee) knowledge of marine life. Guest Sam went for a SCUBA dive.
The rain has produced some interesting biological changes here, among them a kaleidoscope of little yellow butterflies that covers both Peter Island and Great Harbor this morning. Many of them followed our swimmers, and it created this beautiful scene that combined things terrestrial and aquatic.
As we climbed back aboard Promenade, Sam was completing his dive, during which he saw a massive Caribbean Lobster. Satisfied from their swims, our guests spread out on the deck to get their first sun of the trip. I smelled cheeseburgers before they materialized in the Saloon.
A quick motor around the bend brought us to White Bay, a frequent haunt of ours. Still on Peter Island, our workhorse. There are no moorings here, so you have to set a proper anchor. This keeps many bareboaters away, so it’s a private spot.
We often brag about how we can accommodate many different kinds of swimmers, and Jamie is one of those guests on the far end of the speed and endurance spectrum. After this morning’s 2+ mile swim, he plotted a 6 mile swim here at White Bay. We keep an eye on him via dinghy and SUP, then fold him into our planned swim, then Will joined him for the apres swim swim.
Heather took some stroke video for later analysis, but before that even happens, we work on technique with guests Susan and Laura. Turtles munched on the grass beneath us. The sun set. Pina Coladas, conch fritters, and a cheese plate appeared. A delicious Caribbean Curry was served, which folded into a birthday cake (shaped like a pirate ship) and celebration for 3 of our guests celebrating birthdays, a new record.
Suddenly, a boat motored across the bay. Then it started a professional fireworks display. We all watched from the deck, rather impressed. It was the perfect ending to this day. - Hopper